This recipe requires a scale capable of measuring to the nearest gram, but see version below if you do not have a kitchen scale.
All the above ingredients should be ground.
Combine all ingredients thoroughly. If any of the ingredients are lumpy, run through a sieve before adding to the rest.
Pour mixture into spice jar with the help of a sheet of waxed paper.
Use in any recipe calling for curry powder but, remember, use cautiously. This curry powder is very (spicy) hot.
Yield: 33 grams, enough to fill a typical spice jar
Harvey Day, The Complete Book of Curries, 1970
Below is the recipe translated into volume for those who lack a kitchen scale. The result should be pretty close to the version above and yield about the same amount.
All the above ingredients should be ground.
Combine all ingredients thoroughly. If any of the ingredients are lumpy, run through a sieve before adding to the rest.
Pour mixture into spice jar with the help of a sheet of waxed paper.
Use in any recipe calling for curry powder but, remember, use cautiously. This curry powder is very (spicy) hot.
Yield: 5 tablespoons, 2 1/8 teaspoons